I thought it was about time for a catch up! How are we all?
I'm back from the States now and I'm in full post-travel comedown mode, where all I want to do is lie in bed and cry about how jetlagged I am, whilst snacking on Snickerdoodles and watching a slideshow of holiday photos on repeat. Unfortunately, no matter how jetlagged you actually are (very, last night I fell asleep totally zonked at 9.30pm, but was wide awake at 1am and spend a good five hours lying wide awake in bed, before falling back to sleep, only to be woken up an hour later. I feel like a dead person today.), you can only get away with using the jetlagged excuse for two days. So I'm screwed now.
I've got a tonne of photos and video clips from my travels to share with you, stories I want to tell and share, but right now I can't bring myself to sort through them and find some kind of order. I'm gonna leave it for now and get on that next week.
Now that Uni is done until the end of September, I'm finding it hard to stay motivated with everything else on my to do list. Normally, knowing I have to work around classes and deadlines at school means I keep on top of everything else too, but without school I'm finding it very hard to maintain concentration. I was always one of those weird kids happy to go back to school in September, am I the only one who thinks Summer break is too long? I'd much rather have a few of those weeks off elsewhere throughout the year. I mean, two weeks for Christmas is nowhere near enough.
My trip to America just reinforced to me how much I want to live there in the future. I've been saying that since my first trip to the States, but this trip was different, I got to really experience what it would be like to live and work out there. If I could pack my suitcase and leave now, I would (who am I kidding, I haven't even unpacked yet).
In other news, my boyfriend is working his butt off at his parents' bar and restaurant, so we haven't seen much of each other. He has Sunday off though, so I'm really looking forward to spending some time with him. September will be four years since we started seeing each other, so we are looking at going away for a long weekend together somewhere. I finally got my tax rebate for last year this week, so that'll help towards a good trip! If you have any suggestions on somewhere nice we could go, do let me know!
So other than losing my blogging mo-jo a bit, and having the post-travel-blues, there's not much exciting to report around these parts. Prepare yourselves for a smorgasbord of holiday photos next week!
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