Thursday, 1 January 2015

Goals for a New Year

I hate making New Years resolutions, because I always feel massively disappointed when I don't achieve them. Resolutions just don't work for me, saying 'I will get fit' doesn't work, I need to have tangible steps and goals to achieve something. So this year, instead of resolutions, I'm setting goals. 

  1. Learn how to run. I'm happy with my weight (although I can definitely see where all those Celebrations are now living), and I'm useless when it comes to things like actively trying to lose weight. What I do want to do is feel a bit fitter, right now I'm out of breath after walking up one flight of stairs! I also like the idea of being able to go for a run in the morning to kick start my day, and get me out of the house on days when I'd normally spend the majority of time sat at my desk! I've struggled to run in the past because of joint issues, but hopefully 2015 will be my year! If anyone has any tips on learning how to run, please let me know!
  2. Improve my photography. I'm in a bit of a photography rut right now, all of my photos look the same! I love going out and about with my camera and playing around with it, and it's something I hope to do more of in 2015. I'd like to learn a bit more about my camera too, so I can really get my blog photography looking top notch!
  3. Keep perspective. In the last few months of 2014, I've been much calmer, and much less stressed. It's so easy to get worked up over deadlines and money and the future, but sometimes we just need to take a step back and say, hey, what's the worst that can happen? This year is a big one for me as I finish my degree, but despite being a little behind on work, I'm very calm about the whole thing. The worst thing that can happen is I don't get a first, and so what? I'm healthy and I'm happy, and that's much more important than being burnt out but with a top mark. I really want to work on keeping this up through 2015!
  4. Work hard & graduate! Just because I'm not stressed about Uni, doesn't mean I don't want to do well. The first half of 2015 will be spent trying to prioritize and get a lot of work done, and fingers crossed all my hard work will pay off! I'm happy to sacrifice days out and social events for six months, to get a good degree!
  5. Make better choices, most of the time. My mum is massively into eating healthy, clean, raw diets and unfortunately for my relationship with Domino's, it's beginning to rub off on me. I love food, and I'm definitely not willing to give up the occasionally greasy burger, or double ham and garlic butter pizza, but I'd like to spend more time this year cooking good quality, good for you meals at home. When you're working all day and blogging all night, it's easy to give in and order a takeaway, or have a microwave meal, but sometimes it's nice to spend an hour in the kitchen to give yourself a break, and make sure you're eating the right stuff. I know I feel better when I eat better, so it makes sense! 
  6. Utilise Facebook and Pinterest for my blog more. I'm hot on Twitter and Instagram, but I'm a complete fail when it comes to Facebook and Pinterest. I love looking at other people's accounts but when it comes to my own, it's basically non existant! It's something I really want to focus on in the new year!
What are your goals and resolutions for 2015? 

1 comment

  1. Happy New Year lovely! Your goals sound wonderful! xo


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