Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Long Weekend

 Apologies for the radio silence this week, I have no excuse! I headed home last Thursday for the double bank holiday weekend, and ended up staying longer than expected! What ensued was a very long, very lazy weekend that rolled right through til Wednesday!

The weather was surprisingly amazing this week, with temperatures hitting 22c, practically Mediterranean for England! I even got sunburnt, which has now turned into a pretty hint of a tan!

Daphne came back with me and essentially we went on an eating tour of Bournemouth. We hit up Burger Shop, Giraffe and Urban Reef, in between Starbucks runs, lazing in the sunshine and reading lots of books! The best thing about having a fellow blogger around is they don't judge you for organising your food for the perfect instagram, and they too get into weird positions to take blog photos.

 The best bit about going home is snuggling with the zoo! We had a long dog walk in the New Forest, and along the beach, and we took them to Hydrotherapy too. Finn looks more like a rat than a dog when soggy!

Coming back to London was a bit of a hardship after such a lazy weekend, but at least the sun is still shining!


  1. ninegrandstudent9 April 2015 at 19:40

    Sounds like a lovely long weekend. I couldn't take anything extra off from work, but I have a long weekend planned soon which I am so looking forward to! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

  2. Oh I hope you have a great time! x

  3. That long weekend looks and sounds great. And look at all that sun. I ended up being stuck with a lot of rain- typical.


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