Sunday, 7 June 2015

23/52 - A Wedding, A Little Me Time and The Perfect Dress

It's been a sombre week this week, I apologise for being a little quiet, both here and on social media. It is however, at times like this where it becomes important to celebrate and appreciate the good, and there has been a lot of that too. 
  1. Appreciating the mornings. I'm finally getting back on to something of a normal sleep schedule, waking up most mornings around nine. Being back home means lots of big windows and lots of light, and I've been sleeping with the curtains open, so I can enjoy all the beautiful natural light in the morning. It's such a novel feeling to wake up to sunshine, tree lined views and birds chirping, as opposed to smog, buses and someone else's living room.
  2. Friday night was spent celebrating the wedding of a close family member, and it was such a lovely evening. Hanging out with my parents, my sister and her boyfriend and Con, blowing bubbles, eating food and having a little bop around to the music was good fun, and just what I needed to cheer me up!
  3. I've spent a lot of time in the house this week, and realising just how strange our cats are. We've got two bengals who think they're jungle royalty, and a slightly batty inbred moggy who chases flies. Hours of entertainment.
  4. My mum and I took a little shopping trip to find a dress for my graduation, and got lucky in Karen Millen of all places. I love the dress so much I ended up wearing it to the wedding! Since after all, it'll be under robes most of the day on my graduation!
  5. I had lots of failed shopping trips looking for a dress, including one this week. I popped out on my own and eventually gave up, and flopped onto a sofa in Costa. I don't often go to Costa (I'm more of a Starbucks gal myself), but I just really enjoyed spending half an hour on the sofa in the corner with an iced tea. Since being back home I haven't had much time to myself, so that was a much appreciated rest time. 
  6. I did my mum a favour and picked our dog up from the groomers and oh my god was he pleased to see me. You'd think he has the worst time at the groomers, but she has a live stream you could watch, and he's always having a fab time, but when I picked him up it was like I'd saved him from the end of the world. There's nothing better than a pup who's pleased to see you.
  7. A Saturday morning brunch with Con and my Dad. We hit up Giraffe and oh my was it delicious. There's little in this bed more satisfying than thick fresh bread and french butter. Dee-lish!
  8. This week, my parents revealed that they've booked a little holiday for the three of us and Con as a graduation present! We leave two days after my graduation and I honestly can't wait. I'm planning outfits already!
I hope you've had an amazing week! x


  1. That dress is so pretty! We are technically meant to wear black to our graduation but literally no one cares about that so I got a black and white polka dot dress for mine :P It's sad that these dresses will be hidden!

  2. Isn't it so pretty! I want to wear it everywhere! Oooh I want to see it!

  3. Thanks Audrey! Haha that's impressive!


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