A little bit late to the game with this week's snapshot post, but it's been a busy one! This weather has knocked me for six, I've spent the entire week toting around a giant Starbucks Cold Cup filled with water, and knocking back as much as possible to ward off heat headaches! It's been an awesome week though, and I may have added a few extra happy things to the list...
- Monday was a surprisingly good day. I started the week off right with an iced order of my favourite drink (a soy white mocha if you're interested). It was delicious and got me in a summery mood (as well as giving me a much needed start of the week caffeine boost!).
- Cherries! They're finally in season and man do they taste good.
- My boyfriend bought me a bunch of flowers this week for the first time in over a year. He's really not a flower sort of guy! Anyway, they're beautiful, and they are really brightening up my windowsill!
- I made the executive decision to work late on Tuesday so I could skive off for a few hours in the middle of the day and lounge in the sun. I put on a bikini, slapped on some sunscreen, and led out in the garden with my book. It was blissful.
- Con also took me on a little midweek coffee date to break up the work day. My hairdresser has recently opened a mini coffee shop in the front of the store, so we headed up to have a little peak! We both ordered chai lattes and they were blooming delicious. Not very seasonal for the hottest day of the year, but VERY tasty!
- Planning outfits for my holiday. Okay, so we still have two weeks to go, but I'm just so excited! I can't wait!
- I had Trigger Point Therapy on my hip this week and whilst it hurt more than I can describe, I feel SO much better now. It knocked me out for the rest of the day, I spent most of it curled up in bed, but after 24 hours I felt so much better!
- My sister and her boyfriend invited Con and I over for dinner this week and it was so nice to hang out with her, and feel so grown up!
- I went with my dad to drop my sister at the airport on Friday, she's off to Singapore for 10 days and I was equal parts excited for her and scared at how grown up she is now! When did I get so old?! We all had dinner together before she left at Cafe Rouge at Heathrow, and the food was awesome!
- A pizza lunch date with Con at a place we've been meaning to try for ages. Sat in the sun with a glass of cider, chowing down on a giant crispy pizza = bliss.
- I spent Sunday playing in the garden with my parents goddaughters, and lounging around in the sun. I don't get to see them nearly enough when I'm in London so it was good to spend that time with them.
- And lastly, seeing all my sister's photos from Singapore! I'm so glad she's having a good time!
Here's to another amazing week! x
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