Sunday, 9 August 2015

32/52 - Food, Friends and Fresh Air

Happy Sunday Ladies and Gentlemen, I sincerely hope you are reading this post from the comfort of a warm cosy bed, preferably with a cup of tea and a cat too. This post is coming to you a little late today because I woke up bright and early, and just decided to stay in bed. It was utterly blissful.

This week has been a happy week, busy, but happy. I feel like I've barely had five minutes to myself, it's just been go go go all week. I'm looking forward to hopefully grabbing a day or twos rest next week!

Some weeks I find it really tricky to round up ten happy moments, sometimes because I've had a crappy week, and sometimes, like this week, because it's been so busy I can barely remember Friday, never mind Monday!
  1. I had to take my sister's iPhone to the Apple Store on Monday, and whilst I waited for the phone to be repaired, Con and I hit up Yo Sushi for a small feast. So much good food, I pretty much waddled out.
  2. Lots of walking! The Boy and I have been going for a forty minute walk every day, and it feels so good to get out in the fresh air.
  3. Tuesday morning I made the most delicious breakfast, toasted wholewheat bagel, smashed avocado, fresh tomatoes and poached eggs. Not only was I full until the middle of the afternoon, it was totally delicious. 
  4. Simple makeup menus. Partly because I've been so busy and partly because I've just not been feeling a ton of makeup recently. I've been opting for the same handful of trustworthy products that I know just keep things looking semi decent all day long.
  5. I did an Ikea run for my parents and found the perfect thing to help organise my beauty products in my dresser back home (they were all just rolling about in a big drawer before). I also had meatballs so you know. Life is good.
  6. I'm starting the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide next week so I thought I'd try out one of the workouts this week. Oh man. Burpees don't like me at all. I did feel totally amazing afterwards though!
  7. Watching the butterflies in the garden! The end of this week we've had beautiful sunshine, and I've spent a ton of time in the garden, and we seem to have all of Bournemouth's butterflies in residence! 
  8. On Friday our friends from The States arrived for a week and we get to play English tour guides! They're staying with us, so I've given up my bedroom as an extra guest room, and have taken up residency in my parents' campervan on the drive. It's almost like being on a mini holiday, and the bed is so super cosy!
  9. I've found some clothes in Zara this week that I just absolutely love, and I'm so pleased with them. For the first time in forever I feel excited about clothes! 
  10. We spent this afternoon sat in the pop up bar in the town centre, listening to live music and watching the world go by. The best way to spend a Sunday!
Here's to another great week! x

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