It's been a while since I posted a recipe, mostly because I've done approximately zilch cooking over the last few months. What with being back home and travelling, I've been out of the kitchen and mostly in, well, Giraffe actually. However, last week I had a real craving for soup and I figured it was the perfect time to share this recipe with you! Not very seasonal I know, but sometimes you just want a big old bowl of comfort food (especially when the Great British Summer has arrived and the rain is lashing down).
If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll know that I'm not much of a whizz in the kitchen. I like easy meals that preferably have under five steps and involve minimal washing up! This is a bit of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recipe, I don't do exact quantities, but this will make three good servings (or two if you're really hungry).
It's really simple! You want to chop up eight tomatoes and three red peppers (I used two red and one yellow this time because it was all I had!) into big chunks, and chuck them in a dish that can go in the oven. Drizzle in olive oil, and add a big old handful of fresh basil, a generous shake of thyme, and a few bay leaves. Roast in the oven for around thirty minutes at 200c, and give them a good shake halfway through. Remove from the oven, and add to the blender, making sure you remove the bay leaves first. Blitz the lot, and add a splash of apple cider vinegar, a generous squeeze of tomato puree, and about a half cup of water, or as little as you need to get a good consistency. And that's it!
I like to serve it with a drizzle of olive oil, a few fresh basil leaves, lots of cracked black pepper and sometimes a handful of fresh spinach too! The Boy likes to add a good shake of Tabasco too. It keeps in the fridge for around 3 days, and freezes really well too!
Deliciously healthy, and oh so comforting. Best consumed on a squishy armchair with a cozy blanket and a good book.
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