Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Rhodes Photo Diary

 I wasn't expecting much of Rhodes in all honesty, but it won me round in all of about 20 minutes, after I found a Sephora and a Starbucks that sold Berry Hibiscus Refreshas. I was expecting a really tacky touristy town, and whilst there were definitely a few areas like that, there was also a lot that wasn't.

We left the ship and meandered around the coastline, admiring the wares in the little seaside 'market', little shopping boats moored to the promenade that you could hop on to explore. My mum and I were totally fascinated by the coral sponges, buckets and buckets of them, being sold at such a cheap price.

The sea in this part of the Mediterranean is so inviting (if you ignore all the fish), it's so clear, yet so blue at the same time. We all had a little dip to cool off from the heat, and it couldn't have been more welcome. 

 The old town was fairly similar to Dubrovnik, wrapped in a large city wall and filled with tiny narrow side streets. I honestly just enjoyed stumbling around the city, exploring the different areas and little stores. I fell in love with all the Aladdin-esque lamps, and a handful of stray kittys too (unfortunately I didn't have enough room in my luggage for either).

The town was busy, and a lot of the stores were fairly touristy, but there were a lot of gems hidden in there too. After a lazy lunch of fresh tzatziki, tomato salads and chunks of crusty bread, we did a little shopping (I splurged in Sephora and picked up a little bracelet too), swam in the sea, and headed back to the ship for sail away cocktails. 

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