Sunday, 13 December 2015

50/52 - Home

Happy Sunday wonderful readers, I hope you've had a happy week.

Whilst not having the pressure to blog this week has been a welcome reprieve, it's felt strange too. This is the longest break I've taken from my blogs since I began Bed In The Kitchen over three years ago, so it's all a bit weird. I found sitting down to write this post tricky, but we are so close to the end of my /52 series that it seemed a shame to miss it.

Today, instead  of my usual happy things (still not ready to reflect on the week just yet) I thought I'd share my favourite things about being home with you all.

Being around my puppies. When you've lived with dogs, it's really hard to live in a house without dogs. When I open the door at home, I'm greeted by excited wagging tails and cuddles, whereas opening the door to the flat normally means darkness and a big pile of washing. Not as good. Finn is currently sporting a cute 'Pet Elf' tshirt, which makes him even cuter.

Sleeping in my own bed. Rented accommodation that comes furnished may be convenient, but it's also the devil. Say hello to crappy coffee tables, awful cheap leather sofas and the worlds most uncomfortable bed. There's nothing better than sinking into my bed at home, complete with a pile of blankets and pillows, my incredibly soft bed sheets, and the mattress I spent over an hour picking out.

Keeping an eye on my crazy kitten. Her current past time is batting baubles off the tree, and chewing on the banister ribbons. She also enjoys waking me up by shaking her dribble all over my face. Lovely.

Home cooked food. Yeah I cook for myself all the time, but it's not as good as mum's chicken soup, or dad's cottage pie. Or you know, ordering in from our local Thai place. That too. 

The little patch of carpet outside my bedroom door. The patch that has been pulled up by my cat frantically trying to break into my room. That's love, that is.

Snuggling up in my spot, in my new dressing gown. My new John Rocha number is the cosiest thing in life, and cosying up on the armchair in the living room is my favourite. I feel like a polar bear in the very best way.

Cafe Boscanova. There's a cafe in town that does the best Chai Lattes and Avocado on Toast ever. So basically I want to live there pretty please.

The comfort of festive things. The gold and chocolate tree theme, and the second tree covered in childhood trinkets, the cosy fairisle throws that come out in December. It's all very reassuring.

Spending more time with my family. Even if it isn't under the best circumstances, it's great to get to spend some more time with my parents and my sister.

What are your favourite things about being home?

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